Saturday 27 September 2014

Growing Radish in container

Radish is one of the veggies that could be grown easily. Hence this is a good start for beginners. Also this is one of the fastest growing vegetable. If you are in hurry and want see quick returns then radish is a good choice. Radish can be harvested within 1 month.


Radish can be easily grown in containers with a depth of 9-12 inches. Container with diameter of 12 inches can accommodate 2 radishes. Use potting mix containing cocopeat, soil and compost in equal proportions. Ensure the potting mix is loose, otherwise the bulb of radish will find difficulty in penetrating soil while growing. Seeds could be sown in containers in a depth of 1/2 inch and cover the seed with soil. After sowing water the container and ensure that the seeds aren't washed away. Keep the container in greenhouse or under the shade. Within 2-3 days the seeds will sprout.

Seedling which is 1 week old

Caring Radish

Radish requires at least 6 hrs of sunlight. Ensure that there is enough moisture content in the soil and don't allow the soil to dry. Provide compost after 15 days which will boost its growth. I haven't faced any pest issues with radish which I had grown. I grow white radish variety which doesn't get affected easily by pests.

Radish plant which is 3 weeks old


After 4 weeks radish could be harvested. The bulb will be visible above the soil and based on the size of the bulb you can decide on harvesting.

Radish ready for harvest
Since radish provides quick yield and easy to grow, this will be a good one for starters. In India radish can be grown from August till March. Radish doesn't like too much heat and avoid growing in summer which may result in failure.

Happy gardening!